
Saturday's Stuff I Like


I kinda neglected Instagram lately to put more time on my blog and career search. But I posted a picture early in the week showing my Bizou purchases and that got me a like from one of my favourite Youtuber, Alexfashionbeauty! (Don't forget to follow me on IG, my user name is MsBubu!)

We had almost two feet of snow the other day and guess what? My VW Bug got stuck on the railroad track in front of my house! (Don't be scared, there hasn't been a train running on it for months.) I know it's not really fun or anything but my dad came to pull the car with his jeep and if you knew my dad, you'd know that he's just not patient and likes to blame me for anything that can happen to anyone. What I like about this story though is that I can make fun of it, and it makes for good story-telling with the girls! And I got the grumpy man a KitKat Chunky as a thank you gift...

The above picture is my tragus piercing. I got it in December as part of a Christmas gift from my mum (the other part being my nose re-piercing, when I feel like it). I like the fact that I have a tiny mole right beside it and I can tell you it was basically a dream piercing, no pain, no infection. The only problem is that I always got confused about which way to screw it tight and the barbell opened three times. Last time was this week and I still didn't know how to put it back from behind (so it's easier to screw it in the front than inside the ear canal). I finally managed it and I'm just happy it didn't cause more problems than the friction. I wouldn't like to have to take it out because of infection or something like that. I now have a cheloid at the back of it, what with all the fussing. I gather a few tips while watching KinKINIKKI's videos though. She posts lots about her piercing experiences and cleaning, it's very informative!

Today is another snowday and I'm staying at home, in my PJs, in my bed just like a teenager hahaha! I don't spend much time in my bed like I did when I was in my teens. I guess it's because I don't have a television in it. But, I still managed to make it a somewhat productive day, tailoring my resume to a job I'd had my sight set on for years, helping my mum with her spaghetti sauce and working on the blog!

There's an old gentleman that comes at the store once in a while. He's name is Eugene and he's really dandy! Like, have you ever seen a 70-something man with a ear pierced with a cross dangling, coming out of church with a top hat and driving around with a handwritten car plate saying "God is Love"? I love him! He's nice and special, a little "time consuming" for some of the other clerks but he's my man! Well, I saw him this week after about a month of not seeing him. And he asked me where I've been, that he didn't see me in the store for a while and flirting with me. Hahaha! Gotta love the man!

Tell me the highlights of your week in a comment below!

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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