
What's On My Bedside Table?


I saw this post of Jaye from Bed in the Kitchen last week and I had to bookmark it so I could answer her tag. What's on my Bedside Table? I'm a lot nosy so I love to see home tour posts and for some reason, bedside related ones! I see bedside tables as mini vanities, with a few beauty essentials and a few decorations to make the place your own.

I'm kind of an obsessive hoarder, so since I bought that Ikea vase last year I've filled it with nail polishes. Those are not all the ones I have, but the ones that matches my pastelly colour scheme. In front of it is a candy jar filled with EOS lipbalms. The word "Dream" is a Christmas ornament I bought from the store  I worked at. And you can barely see it but in front of said candy jar is a Yankee Candle in Strawberry Buttercream. There is always a candle (or many) around in my room.
Beauty Bits. Of course, no girl's bedside table would be complete without them. You'll notice that most are the same as last year's Bedside Beauties. I changed the dish to this bowl/vase I got from the charity shop last week. Products that have been added since last year are an EOS Lipbalm in Blueberry Acai, a Bioeffect  EGF Serum sample (as a nighttime treatment), a Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream (that I always forget to use),  a L'Occitnae 15% Shea Butter Dry Skin Foot Cream and a tube of ROC Enydrial Hand Cream (I recommend this).

I love books, in fact I have both a college and undergratuate degree in Literature. Even though I never know how to spell it, because in English it has one "t" and in French it has 2 and that always confuses me. A not so tactful UBC secretary once told me that to be a journalist I should try to start spelling my word "literature" the right way. Oh well!

Back to business, those in the picture above are all books from charity shops or garage sales. I bought them because I liked the look of them. No, I'm not into scouting but then again, I think the Scouts book is cool! And it's green! Makes a change from all the blue ones! :P The lamp is from Ikea, and I bought it in the UK last summer so I have to plug it in an adapter, so I'm not using it too much. When I read I light up my fairy lights, which may not be a good idea, but I have 3 sets and 2  are DEL ones. The golden elephant is also from a charity shop. The first time I saw it I left it there, but then I had regrets and when I went back a few days later it was still there. Phew!

The Nina Ricci poster is from the same charity shop as the elephant. (I know. It's a lot of stuff from charity shops. I love them! Makes it different from the same Ikea things everyone has!) I remember it from back in the days when those posters were in drugstores. I cannot find the information again, but when I bought it last year I found out that the photographer for this advertisement is English. He did lost of shots with young women dressed as dancers and nymphs.

This book was given to me by my boss back in London, She gave this book to all of her employees and I found it back last week. I'm reading a few pearls of wisdom from it now and then. It's not a typical book, more like I said, pearls of wisdom spread on 1-2 pages each.

Yes I love books, but since I finished my uni degree I'm less of a bookworm. I guess I just had to read too much stuff that I got fed up. Now, I'm not reading as fast as I used to, hence the backlog pile of books on my floor. In there I have a Dream notebook, in which I try to write down really special dreams, and a dream dictionnary. This one is from Hanns Kurth and is really crappy. Don't get this one. It doesn't even have the most basic entries like "running". (It's the last word I looked up for in it). I have another one downstairs, I should probably bring that one to my room instead.

And because I'm nosy I would like to know what's on your bedside table! And if you have written a post on the subject, even better! Link it below! ;)

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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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