
Marcelle Waterproofing Mascara Topcoat


Marcelle Waterproofing Mascara Topcoat
I'm not one for waterproof mascaras. I find it hard enough to remove regular one!

But it does arrive though on some occasions that I wish that my mascara were waterproof. And now ALL of my mascara can! How? With Marcelle's Waterproofing Mascara Topcoat*!

The idea is really simple, think of a nail polish topcat, but for your mascara. You can either use in combination of any of your favourite mascara, or you can just go without on days you don't need it. The product is clear, so it can be used with funky coloured mascaras.

The topcoat is clear, so you can use it with any colour of mascara

This can be great for summer (well, not that we had any this year in Quebec) or, like today, on a rainy autumn day that you have to go outside. Since I'm not a pool girl, I'll use mine on rainy days...

It retails for 17$, in drugstores that stocks Marcelle products or online

If you buy any Marclle mascara online, you can have a FREE Waterproofing Mascara topcoat, when you use the promotional code "BOGO" at checkout. Offers end on September 30 2013.

Do you like waterproof mascaras? Which one is your favourite?

*Product sent for review consideration

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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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