
My Perfume Collection and Storage Part 1


Vue d'ensemble

I have been willing to show you my perfume collection for a while now, but something always made me say: "Keep it for later". Part of it is because my collection is split between London and my parent's place... And still is.

But now I have decided Enough already and I'm showing you my perfume collection at my parents'! Here I display my perfume on a cake stand that I found in a charity shop. In London, I used to store them on a turning mirrored tray.

Please note that I'm not usually displaying all my perfumes all the time, as I like to rotate them and store them in their box, in my closet. This helps to keep them for longer, as light and humidity spoils the perfumes.

L-r: pot of my sample vials, Gender One (CK One), Anna Sui Sui Love, Version of Paris Hilton, Suddenly Madame Glamour, Gossip Girl Spotted!, Party Candy (Prada Candy), Diesel Loverdose
Gender One (CK One): This is probably the oldest perfume I still got. I received this one when I was around 15, so that's about 15 years ago! I kinda have a love-hate relationship with this, sometimes I think the smell is too heavy and can make me have headaches (I'm really sensitive to smells). I have talked about it in yesterday's post!

Anna Sui Sui Love: This is one of the first "grown up" like perfum I have purchased. It was during my first year of university. It's actually the only perfume I have repurchased! I like to have a lot, so I keep them forever! It is also the scent that made my ex go crazy! A favourite!

Version of Paris Hilton: I don't have a lot to say about this one, I bought it at the store I work at before Christmas as they had a promotion on them and this one was the last one. They had other version like Tommy Hilfiger's Diamonds, and I don't remember well te others.

Suddenly Madame Glamour: I was telling you about Suddenly Madame Glamour about a year and a half ago. I bought the perfume and I'm pretty pleased, as I like Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle but it doesn't suit me well. This one is similar and I can wear it. And it's cheap!

Gossip Girl Spotted!: This was my mum's Christmas present, that she offered me in September (I was meeting a guy...) It's grown up and elegant, a good Autum/Winter scent.

Party Candy (Prada Candy): Ok, another version, I know I told you that I'm not a big fans of cheaper versions, but I still have a few.... I bought this at Dollarama for 2 or 3$. I don't have any Prada stockists near me so I cannot compare, but from what I remember, it's close.

Diesel Loverdose*: I would never have thought of trying this and maybe not liked it at first but this is one of my favourites. I got it at the Diesel and Grazia Event a year ago.

Pupa Rose Bouquet de Parfums: I got this one on my first trip to Mexico (on my way back). When walking into Cuernavaca, I was smelling this nice flower scent, but didn't know what it was. When I got the perfume, I thought that it was almost the same scent! 

Pupa Rose Bouquet de Parfums
Vials, I also keep my Revlon Lip Butters in there!
I'm not going to talk much about the vials, but here is what I got in the stash: Outspoken by Fergie, Kim Kardashian, Plum by Mary Greenwell, Calvin Klein Beauty, Crabtree and Evelyn Iris, The Body Shop Dreams Unlimited and Britney Spears Radiance. The last one is the one I'm wearing these days, just because I want to finish it. Nothing special. I also have some Scent and Sensibility ones, but cannot remember the name of each.

There you have it, part of my perfume collection, the other part being in London. But I can say I have:
Britney Spears Midnight Fantasy
Miss Dior Chérie
A Scent by Issey Miyake

I might have more but I don't remember!

Which is your favourite perfume?

Please stay tuned for Part 2 in a couple days!

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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