
OOTD: Snow White


Oooooh! It's so cold outside these days! Yes, I'm Canadian, and no, I do not get used to it! Today was -40C at some point in our village (with the wind factor).

No when it's this cold you have to wear a sweater, but my work requires a certain amount of climbing ladders and moving stuff around and I usually don't like to wear big sweaters there. Well this week I HAD to!

Seeing that my first OOTD post proved to be popular, I got my mum on board to be my photographer. Now, trying to get my mum to take decent pictures is like asking a snail to race! So please excuse the quality of the pictures again, while I teach my mum not to give too much headroom, not move when pushing the button, etc!

Basically, this outfit is Primark and thrifted. But I will give you the breakdown anyway:

Hat: thrifted in Québec City
Necklace: Primark
Cami: Primark
Top: Forever 21, thrifted in Bonaventure, Qc
Jeans: Primark
Boots: Thrifted in Bonaventure, Qc

I was quite surprise to find a Forever 21 item at the charity shop last Saturday, as we don't have any anywhere near! But it's cute and I got it for 1$ ;)

What are you wearing to keep warm lately?

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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