Achieving Goal!


If you are "playing" Weight Watchers, you know what I mean!

I started Weight Watchers 7 weeks ago, for medical reasons. When you start the programme, they give you a first weight loss goal to achieve in your own time frame. This goal is usually 5% of your initial weight. When you achieve it, you have another one (10%), and then it's the ultimate goal.

I have achieved my 5% goal this weekend. It feels incredible! What's even better is that I'm not too far from my 10% goal either! My weight loss has been really steady, nothing too drastic. Which is better, as I know I am having an healthier lifestyle, and changing my bad habits for good ones instead of just following fad diets.

Here are a few things that helped me so far:
  • I have reduced the amount of coffee and tea I consumed. I now drink more green tea.
  • Walking. I have never been a sporty girl, so for me to just decide to go crazy on fitness is unrealistic. But I always enjoyed walking. I can go for hours and I don't get bored.
  • Chromium tablets. I have taken those years ago to curb my sugar (read chocolate) cravings and it was effective. I don't know why I stopped. But I just started again and I don't feel the need for chocolate or sweets.
  • Oatmeal. I always loved oatmeal, but I didn't like to clean the pan after each use. Now I just put the kettle on, pour hot water in the bowl, put a little milk. It tastes the same to me. I used to see a difference between oatmeal made with water vs made with milk, but now it's fine. So that means no more pan to clean in the morning!
  • Dance classes. I have tried a few different ones, but the one I stick to is Street Jazz. I like how we have a warming period, workout, then we practice the steps and then the choregraphy. My teacher is really good, he knows I'm not a dancer, but he still pushes me out of my comfort zone (and still be encouraging).
Are you also trying to lose weight? Or just to have a general healthier lifestyle? Let me know your tips!

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  1. J'essaie aussi de perdre du poids..Pas evident! Je suis pas une sportive, par contre je suis comme toi, j'adore marcher. Mais l'hiver j'y vais pratiquement jamais.

    J'ai réduit ma consommation de sel..J'pense pas que ca va faire une grande difference lol mais c'est mieux pour ma santé pareil ;)

    1. Oui, surtout que vous avez une vague de froid qu Quebec :( Le sel, ca va surment taider contre la retention d'eau, alors tu vas surement etre moins "ballonnee" :)Laisse-moi savoir si t'as d'autres trucs!

  2. congrats, thats really good news. I'm trying to loose weight and the moment and working out how much percentage I lost really pushes me on xx

    1. It's motivating to be able to measure it! I hope you're doing well, let me know how it goes :)

  3. Hmmm du gruau, j'adore ça! Je ne me rappelle pas l'avoir jamais fait dans une poêle, ni avec du lait, je suis bien trop paresseuse ahah! J'essaie de boire plus de thé vert aussi malgré que parfois, l'appel du café est très très fort! Je ne savais pas que le café contribuait à la prise de poids?

    1. Ah ben tu vois, moi jpreferais ca avec du lait. Le cafe tel quel contribue pas a la perte de poids mais cest surtout le lait que jessaie de diminuer.

  4. Well done to you I too am trying to lose weight its hard but have lost some xx

    1. Yes, I've read that on your blog! Good for you! Well be bikini ready for the summer :)


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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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