Fitness- How to Stay Motivated?
15:44:00Today I am tackling a really difficult subject for me: fitness. I say difficult because I hate sports, but also because it is regularly a subject my boyfriend and I don't agree on.
I know staying fit and exercise is crucial for our health, but nevertheless, I cannot bring myself to move. I hate that. i would love to love it, but somehow, I find it a waste of time. Of course I am ashamed of thinking this way, but I also find it hard to think otherwise. I have tried many different things in the past, if it was available in, my hometown, name it I did it: skating, swimming, skiing, karate, dance, tae-bo, yoga, etc.
The only things I have really enjoyed so far is skiing, skating and bellydancing (yes, I am not a dancer either).
In a last attempt to move my body, I bought some rollerblades. I used to do it in Canada, and I didn't really wanted to buy a pair in the UK, not knowing how long I will stay here. But I bought one pair last week.
So I bought a pair of K2 "Vincenza", they have ABEC 7 bearings, which is what I was looking for. Going into specifics, the wheels are 80a 80mm. The frame is in aluminum. I don't think this is the most recent style, but I am pretty glad of them for now.
I have tried them yesterday and they are comfortable and glide well.
I really hope this will give me some motivation to exercise!
How do you ladies stay motivated to do sports?