
Manicure Monday Marionnaud Ciel D'hiver


marionnaud ciel d'hiver manicure monday


Long time no see! I've missed writing the blog, but with two jobs it's not always an easy task, and furthermore, my skin was so oily this summer, no makeup would stay put so I admitted defeat.

Now Fall is there and my skin is somewhat normal so I'm  glad to use my magic pots once again!

Todays' polish is from a set I bought last year in Paris. I already feature the set in my Un Jardin givré post, and Perce-Neige from the set last year. 

The set was a special edition for Christmas, and it is sad to think I will not be able to purchase them this year! All Marionnaud polishes I have tried applied like a dream. This one did not last long though, but I have jobs where I use my hands a lot, so this has to be kept in mind.

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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