
The Makeup Addict Tag


1. Which product do you still keep buying more of despite having plenty in your collection?
Lipstick, balms, any lip products.

2. What's the one product you couldn't live without?
Eyeliner. It defines the eyes like nothing else!

3. Favourite makeup brand?
I have a lot of Revlon and Maybelline. For nails, it probably is Essie or Nails Inc.

4. How big is your make-up collection?
Too big to think about it!

5. And how do you like to store it?
I have one of those 4 drawers plastic tower that store the bulk of it, but I have pieces on display in mugs, plates, etc.

6. How many items of make-up have you got in your handbag at the moment?
I have three, which is not a lot by my standards. 1 lipstick, 1 lipgloss, and 1 lipbalm.

7. If you could raid another blogger's stash, who would it be?
Probably Gh0stparties, or Gemsmaquillage.

8. How long does your usual make-up routine take and how many products do you use?
Around 15-20 minutes. I do my complexion (depending on need it's either foundation with concealer or just concealer), blush, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.

9. Have you ever bought make-up knowing you wouldn't use it?
Not really, but I know I don't need anything so I buy with the awareness that maybe it won't be finished in a sensible amount of time.

10. Tag a few other make-up addicts to do the tag! 
Julie from Makeup Passion Beauté and Lisa-Jane from Brunette Diaries!

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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