Sunday's Stuff I Like


So it's already been two weeks in Paris! Time flies indeed.

A few times per week, there is going to be some food leftovers for everyone. The first time the office bought madeleines, and then this week I got crepes and also moelleux! Yumm I know I'm going to gain weight!

I went to Maisons du monde this week and I bought a few things to personnalise my room. I might post about it!

The other night, while I was in my bed waiting for sleep to come, I suddenly got a strong but good feeling that a thing I'm waiting for is coming my way soon. It might sound weird, but I'm developping my intuition more these days and the emotion that came was just too strong, I cried (of joy of course). Have tou ever experienced strong intuition?

Yesterday I had an Edith Piaf theme stroll. I went in Belleville, where to see the steps where she supposedly were born. I also went to the Père-Lachaise Cemetary, where I saw her grave and Oscar Wilde and Henri Salvador ones. I know there are more, and I will go back, but the cemetary was closing so those are the famous ones I saw.

Also yesterday I went to my first French party! My roommate Laura invited me, as it was a party at a place she almost lived. People were nice, and the appartment was nicely decorated. I'm sad I forgot my phone! I was also schocked (but not really) that everybody smokes.

Enjoy your Sunday!

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  1. Ahhh les crêpes en France sont tellement les meilleures! Miam! Moi qui croyait être la seule folle à qui ça arrivait ce genre de overrush d'émotion qui me fait pleurer! Ça m'est arrivé en voyage et je sais que ça veut dire quelque chose!!!

  2. Profites en bien, chanceuse! :)


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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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