Saturday's Stuff I Like


This week has been Paris themed! Read on for more details...

It has been both my dad's and one of m aunt's birthday this week. Yummy cake galore!

I was able to continue to paint my curbside projects on Thurday. With the crappy weather we're having this Spring (and Summer so far) it's going to take me a while to finish them! I did finish my coffee table though!

I went walking a few times with one of my work friends this week, it gets me motivated to have someone even if the weather is not nice.

I got a call on Wednesday to tell me that I was shortlisted for a paid work placement in Paris this Fall! Even if it's not official yet, I'm pretty excited! Pariiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!

To continue with the Paris spirit, I have found this biography of Piaf by her stepsister at the flea market yesterday. I have started to read it and I like the style. It makes me discover a side of the singer  I didn't know, as I've always seen her as a depressed woman, but now I'm seeing this strong lady!

Have you got any interresting news this week?

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  1. OOOOh mon dieu! Aller travailler à Paris, ce serait super ça!!! Je te souhaite toute la chance pour la confirmation de cette bonne nouvelle. L'Europe <3

  2. Merci Julie! Ca me manque beaucoup l'Europe alors oui ca m'excite tellement!!!


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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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