Best of the Web #8
Parts modelling. I think it's fascinating! It's surely not as glamorous as working on the catwalk, but it sure is a conversation starter! Sarah from Yes and Yes interwied Adele, a hand model this week!
I'm not sure how I came to look for "coke bloat" on google images but anyway it lead me to this Palm Partners page where they show you how drugs affect your face. Fascinating! I'm glad I don't touche any of those (well except the occasional drink).
I grew up in the 80's and 90's (as probably most of you) and I was shocked to see how much some of my childhood toys can be worth these days! Gosh I had that Funshine!
How cute are those little Yogurt Confetti from the Beauty Department?! I think they might be time consuming to do, but would be a nice way to spice up breakfast.
And to finish, go and check out all of Carin's stunning pictures of Paris. It really makes you want to go!
Any other links I should be aware of?