
May Empties


I'm quite happy of May's Empties. They were quite good products on the whole!

Dove Refresh + Care Invigorating Dry Shampoo: This is a good dry shampoo. Not my favourite but certainly better than the Batiste! It has the signature Dove scent, which I like, but in this case, I think they forced the dose a tad too much. To the point that when I was using this, there was no point on putting a perfume, as the shampoo would override it. I got lots of good compliments on my scents though! I can see myself repurchasing it as my favourite (the Klorane one) is just so expensive!

MONU Professional Skincare First Defence Hydrating Moisturiser SPF 15: I didn't finish this product as I think it turned or something. I wrote that I liked it in my Sample Sundays post a while back. Which I did back then. I even brought it with me in Quebec City as it is a sample size and just perfect to carry and used it throughout most of May. At some point I just realised that it became rich, and not lightweight as it was in the beginning, Also, I noticed I started to have some bumps on my forehead, like spost, but just bumps. When I stopped using this, they went away. I guesse the cream was just to rich, which it totally wasn't at first. 

MUA Lash Boom Mascara: I don't know why this tube was still in my empties pot! I talked about it in my April Empties.

2True 3 in 1 Concealer: This came in handy in May, as I had breakouts. It is similar to the Collection one, but it's even cheaper. If you're in the UK, you can pick this in Superdrug.

The Skin Regime 1-4-All Peel: Oh I liked this product! I used most of it at the end of the summer, and then I wanted to use the remainder as an extra boost but I had about 2 applications left. So now I cannot use it to remove my recent scars. I bought the Pepta-Bright, but I feel it is not as effective as this peeling, meanind the Pepta-Bright is more a solution on the long term. I will probably purchase this, this one was a PR sample.

Clinique High Impact Mascara: I've had a few of these samples in my life and I like it. It's hard to review a mini mascara as sometimes the wand is different than the regular one. But this one is kind of my regular mascara, as I've had so many but I never bought the full size!

Lush Angel's Delight Soap: This one comes every year for Christmas and this year I bought two. This is the first I finish, so I'm covered until next year! I like the scent, it's really bubble gummy. If you like Snow Fairy, you'll like this soap!

And that accounts for 12 finished products for May! Quite chuffed as it is not all samples! Hahaha!

Did you finished products that you liked /disliked in May?

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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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