My DAVIDsTEA Purchases
Those of you who live in Eastern Canada probably already know DAVIDsTEA. If you don't then you probably live under a rock! DAVIDsTEA is a Canadian Tea Shop that is most popular amongst bloggers and vloggers as its offers a variety of teas, classic as well as specialty.
I had already tried some DAVIDsTEAs but when I went to Quebec City in May I decided to treat my mum to this set of green tea, The Green Collection, and to get msyelf the Multicolor Starfish Nordic Mug. I've seen it online and thought it was the most gorgeous mug for Spring. They also had their new Summer mugs, but I was just keener on the Starfish one!
The Green Collection ($19.50) was just the right tea to pick up for my mum, as she likes green teas, but she is quite fussy about it. She doesn't like when they are flavoured, but then I wanted to offer her something special. It contains three different green tea: Genmaicha, Japanese Sencha and Silk Dragon Jasmine.
Genmaicha has to be the most original one, as it contains roasted brown rice, some of them have also popped! It has a nutty smell and flavour to it. If you are new to green tea, this would be perfect as it has a lot of brown rice compared to tea, so it is not as "grassy" as regular green tea.
Japanese Sencha is an organic steamed green tea. According to the assistant, the difference between Japanes and Chines green tea is that Japanese stem their tea and Chines roast it. interresting fact! This tea gives a real green liquid, as opposed to the yellowish-green you usually see.
Silk Dragon Jasmine is also an organic tea but from China. I love jasmine tea as it reminds me of dinners with friends in Chinatown when I was going to university.
So those were for my mum, but I also got the Multicolor Starfish Nordic Mug for myself. It is so pretty with its pastel colours and if like me you are into the "beach house" theme right now, you'll love it as well. It is pretty big, 16 oz (think of it as a Starbucks grande). It comes with its strainer and a lid. So that makes us sorted for tea equipment!
DAVIDsTEA have stores all over Canada as well as north-east US and some other states. They also ship to both countries.
Have you tried DAVIDsTEA? What is your favourite tea (DAVIDs or other)?