
Manicure Monday: Ceramic Glaze Solar Radiance


Jumping on the orange bandwagon with neon nails! I have received a few Ceramic Glaze polishes last week and this is one of them.

Solar Radiance* is a neon matte finish, which is quite unusual. When we think of neons, we usually think of jellies, or a shiny finish. This one took 3 coats to be opaque, but the advantage of a matte finish is that the polish dries much quickly, so you don't have a gloopy mess.

It's still early to tell for this colour, but I've played around with some other matte colors I've received and they seem to last quite well. Usually matte colors chips in no time. Those pictures have been taken after I scrubbed the oven! So far the polish lasts, which is a win.

As I usually say, nails are an nice way to ease into colours if you are not used to wearing them. The advantage of an orange nail polish as opposed to lipstick is that you can rock the trend without worrying about your teeth not being white enough!

Ceramic Glaze is sold exclusively at Shoppers Drug Mart/Pahrmaprix for $11.

Are you into the orange trend? What's your favourite way to wear it?

*Product sent for review consideration

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  1. Lisa-Jane Andrews9 June 2014 at 17:58

    I have never worn orange nail varnish, have tried peach, coral or Apricot but never orange but that is lovely and it looks a really nice quality varnish as well. Very pretty x

  2. Thank you Lisa-Jane! It's so in your face isn't it? I also love peach and corals but they always tend to look orange on me anyway!

  3. J'aime beaucoup la couleur :)

  4. J'adore ça, ça change des corails et pêche (même si j'adore ahah!).

  5. Merci Gaby! C'est vrai que les corails et peches sont plus accessibles, donc plus populaires j'imagine!


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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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