
Manicure Monday: Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover


I usually talk about nail polishes on Manicure Monday but today I decided to let my love for this product loose!

I picked this up in the UK last year, and I don't think it is easily available in Canada as Bourjois is exclusively stocked in Murale and Shoppers and they have quite a limited range. You can order it from ASOS though.

I'm talking of course about the Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover.

Now I remember back in my teenage years, my friend Myriam had a similar product from Andrea. Apparently it wasn't really good. But the idea of a sponge soaked with remover in a pot is genius. You just had to work on the formula and it would make a great product. That's what Bourjois did!

This product was quite hyped in beauty blogs last year and now its sister for nails and toes is doing the round as well. 

You just put each nail in the pot, which is filled with a donut shaped sponge that is soaked in remover. you twist the nail a little, take it out and it's cleaned! The product claim to be as quick as 1 second, which I would say is almost acurate, but it's more 2-3 seconds. But it's great anyway!

It contains Sweet almond oil to nourish the nails. Don't worry if you plan to take your polish off to put a fresh coat afterwards though, as the oil will have sink in and won't make it hard to apply polish.

The only downside I can tell about this is the red fruit and vanilla fragrance, which smells like chemical berries. But considering nail polish removers have a strong smell, it's not too bad.

Now when I can I will grab the nail and toe version (purple pot), as unfortunately, you can not use the pink pot for the toes. I had a blonde moment a few weeks ago and tried it. This caused the pot to tip and leak a little. Don't try this at home!

Have you tried the Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover? What is your favourite remover?

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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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