Best of the Web #7
Lots of good things have been published on the Web this week!
First, if you are into the beauty scene, you have probably seen Lisa Eldridge's Alexa Chung Tutorial. It was on everyone's lips! Back a few years ago when I moved to the UK I didn't really understood the fuss about Alexa. But I grew to like her. I think she's got incredible skin! Which kinda surprises me seeing she's a smoker. Anyway, I love how fresh her makeup always look, and good for her she has good skin!
It's easy to think bloggers always lead the perfect life, as what we see of them is the perfect and edited version. But if you could just look a milimetre away you would see that bloggers are normal people! That's what Lilit wanted to show us in her Behind the Scenes at Makeup and Macaroons.
The Body Shop UK is having a 50% off sale at the moment, right until July 15th! All you have to do is type code "14669" at checkout! :)
I've talked about Scandinavian bloggers before and I think I did mention Cath from Cath in the City. This week she took us on a mini tour of her closet, which is also her bedroom. I like the shelving area!
I'm always up to learn new photography tips and tricks and this week I learnt how to better use my iPhone camera thanks to Gwen's iPhone Photography How to. Sometimes the technic is so easy but you need someone to point it how for you anyway! :)
As always, please share below anything that caught your attention on the Web this week!