Saturday's Stuff I Like
20:15:00Thank you very much! |
I hope you are having a good weekend so far. Mine's alright, I worked a little today and we had some visit at home.
As you probably know from my Treating Yourself post, it was my bday this week. I'm very gratefull for all the wishes I received, some were from very important people to me, and they don't even know how much they mean to me!
I'm having a bit of a pink phase at the moment. I'm loving all the pink pretties around me!
My best friend Mel received a job offer this week and I'm so happy for her as she has been looking for something more rewarding for a while now. Bravo Mel!
I got an idea of the weeks I'm going to have for vacation so I'm starting to plan my trip to London! And London just energizes me! I'm also thinking to go probably in Denmark.
As I said, we had visitors today and it was my aunts and my mum's cousin and aunt I think. It was funny to chat with them, even though I wasn't really chatting because they were talking about people from their home village and I don't know them. But my mum's aunt was really funny! And it was just so nice to see my aunt laugh, she is always so pessimistic and have bad things happening to her all the time.Was nice to see her happy!
Do you have any plans for summer holidays? What gets you excited at the moment?