
Manicure Monday: Cheap Essies!


On Saturday I hinted that I would showcase my new Essie and here it is! I got two fo them at Dollarama, as you can see by the price tag, and the other two at the Superstore.

I first got to Superstore where almost all makeup was 50%! It was just madness, and as you can imagine, most of the products were already gone. Some of the older collection Essie were also $4,98 which was basically 50% off. I got Go Ginza, a lillacy pink that I already spotted on some blogs. To me, it is lilac, but Essie describes it as a pink. I also picked up the After School Boy Blazer that I wanted last Fall, but because I have similar colors (dark blue) I couldn't justify the 10$ price tag. It was advertised at $4,98 as well, but was scanning regular price. And because of the Scanning Code of practice I got it for free!

If you are not familiar with this practice, it is basically a policy that ensures all of the products annonced on special in a place where the items are not individually priced scan at the correct price. If they don't they have to manually change the price and give you a $10 discount on top of it. I think it's the best way I can descibe it.

I then went to Dollarama where I got Maximillian Strasse-Her, a grey-green and an unnamed one (silver coppery, but it's not Penny Lane). If you can help me as to which one it is, please tell me! I saw that same colour at another Dollarama, but they all seem to be unnamed! So I suggest you check out your Dollarama regularly as you might seem some Essie popping up! But they go fast the lady told me (it's understandable)!

Have you scored any good beauty deals recently?

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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