Saturday's Stuff I Like


My favourite corner in my room

It's officially Spring! Yay! We still managed to have a snowstorm on the first days of Spring, which was the Xth time we had a storm this year. We don't know where to put it anymore!

On that said day, I went for a poutine at the local greasy spoon with my friend Nancy and the boss. I like to eat out and poutine is so good!!!

I woke up early this morning and got on to business to do my charity shop run. I thought I'd had first dibs on some furniture pieces, but all they got was kid's chairs. But that's ok. I got a nice leopard scarf! :)

While on the road, the sun was shining brightly and then Karim Ouellet's L'amour song came on the radio and I cranked the volume.up! I hadn't heard it in a long time and it was literally music to my ears. I haven't watched the video a lot, but I just did and I realised that the library they are in is the Bouquinerie du Plateau in Montréal, a second-hand book library I used to go to a lot when I was in university!

I don't know what is happenning, but today my blog had 5 times the usual pageviews. I have looked at my referral sites but nothing really stands out except Google, which is normal. But hey it's great! All time record!

Speaking of pageviews, I read Rebecca from Autumn Leaves's good article about Search Engine Optimisation this afternoon. If you have a blog I urge you to check it out.

What has been good in your week?

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  1. Courtney Connolly22 March 2014 at 20:35

    oh my god so jealous of your poutine! the snow is finally melting here! yay maybe sprinf will come soon

  2. Courtney Connolly23 March 2014 at 20:40

    I have nominated you for the Liebster award check out my post, complete it and good luck!

  3. Bailey_AlltheWords24 March 2014 at 01:59

    Still snow here too- but we actually got more :( Congrats on the pageviews though! That's awesome!

  4. Yes, I heard we'll have more this weekend. Thanks!

  5. ;) I know, evertytime it seems to melt, more snow is coming! We litteraly don't know where to put it anymore!


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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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