My Favourite YouTubers
18:38:00Today was a slow day. Not that I didn't do anything productive (heck, I cleaned the fridge and mopped the floors!) but I did take my time because I didn't have to go out of the house. Plus, it snowed like crazy so you don't want to leave the house if you don't have to!
So what do I like to do on a slow day? Watch YouTube videos! And today I'm sharing the girly YouTubers that I like to watch on a regular basis ;)
Rachhloves: Rachel is a fellow Canadian that I discovered when I started to lose weight two years ago. I love how she is well-rounded and talk about lots of specific topics that can be relevant to every girl: food, beauty, fashion, exercice, cleaning, etc. She is also a new mum and has videos about that, but I'm not at that stage.
Alexfashionbeauty: Oh, she just posted a video today, yay! Alex is, like myself, a French-Canadian and when I watch her vids it makes me laugh because I relate to the way she talks. She also has a vlog channel, where she shows her latest purchases and grocery shopping. Yes, I'm nosy!
sparklyblonde1: Faith has like the perfect American life; married, has her own home, 2 dogs and lots of girly stuff! She also likes to DIY and show us how to do the projects, as well as baking cute and creative holiday treats.
Melissa Maker: Another Canucks, Melissa Maker is my cleaning motivation. When I watch her vids in the morning, even though I have no intention of doing chores, I just clean clean clean after I'm done! She also has recipe and beauty tricks.
Miss Budget Beauty: Khila's reviews are always spot on. I have bought many products after hearing about them on her channel. Sadly (or hopefully for my wallet), she lives across the pond and I don't anymore so cannot buy everything she raves about!
Marie Forleo: A sassy Italo-American, Marie is dedicated to inspire her viewers to "keep going for their dreams because the world needs that special gift that only they have". Every Tuesday she posts a video which is usually Q&A Tuesday, where she answer one reader's problem either herself or with a special guest.
Of course I would love to discover more, so please share your favourites in a comment below!