Going au naturel: A year later!


If you've been following my blog for a while, you migth remember that last year I have struggled with my second bout of adult acne. As with teenager acne, sometimes it seemed to be going to clear, only for other zits to pop out a few days later. It all felt like a carrot dangling in front of me, only to be removed when I was close to getting it. :(

The first time I had adult acne, it was hormonal and I got it cleared pretty much easily once I have discovered the Malki Mud Mask Soap. But this time, nothing really worked. They helped, but they didn't solved the problem. 

I actually found the root of the acne at random. I might get into it in another post, as it is quite personal and not really physically related.

The only thing I can say for now is that once I have found out what was causing it, it was pretty much gone! That and also another physical problem that started at the same time (it was in September 2012). And I have been pretty much spotless (haha!) ever since, last July. Well, except for that monthly spot...

So it's been exactly a year since I have posted that "au naturel" picture on the Internet:

And this is what my skin looks now!

I also really been loving the Skin Regime Boot Camp Peel.  I had my first treatment for a few weeks last summer, and I was quite impressed with how it improved my scarring. Now that it has been a few months, I'm redoing an update treatment, to help with some leftover scars that I had the first time, and for one or two monthly spots ones I had since. I don't know why but the spots I had since the beginning of the second bout tend to leave bad scars. So I like that the peel makes them disapear!

Minimal makeup to let my skin show!

With my new fresh skin, I don't need to use as much foundation as last year. I am in fact pretty happy to let it shine and do the talking! When  I want to be appear more polished, I mainly go towards my BB creams or tinted moisturisers. Bless my skin!

Do you have an acne story? What has helped you?

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  1. Wow ta peau est splendide!! Je suis contente que tu as trouvé le traitement qui te convient! Ce n'est vraiment pas facile vivre avec de l'acné. De plus en plus de femme souffre d'acné hormonal. Il a beaucoup d'hormone qu'on ingurgite au quotidien par la nourriture et l'eau!

    J'ai hâte que tu partage ton truc :)

    1. Hello Julie! Bien oour mon truc, c'est tout simplement que j'ai trouvé la cause. Et cette cause peut etre différente pour tout le monde, et pour moi c'est un peu "New Age" alors c'est différent pour tout le monde mais des que je serai prete je ferai un post car j'ai vraiment vu une dofférence pour ca et pour mes doigts aussi (l'autre probleme que j'avais).

      Ah oui j'ai vu un reportage a la semaine verte, c'est pas croyable combien de médicament se retouve dans l'eau!

  2. C'est fantastique, toute une différence!!!


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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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