Complexion Mask


Hi girls!

Maybe you remember that I had problems with acne recently? You can check out my Going "au naturel" post for more details.

Well, I can now say my skin is acting way better now! I still have a few healing scars, but I'm working on them with some products and this mask.

I have now been trying this mask about 3-4 times. I noticed an improvement on my skin the morning after the first time. It seems that my scars are fading away. Good riddance! First time I found the recipe, it was on a YouTube video, from a indo-canadian girls. It seems that Indian women like those brown spot home treatments. And I do now!

Dont't be afraid to look silly!
You mix about 2 tablespoon of honey, a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg. This should make a paste; if it's too runny, add more spices. Honey is a good antibacterial agent, so it will get rid of impurities on your skin. Cinnamon and nutmeg are gently scrubbing the skin when you take the maks off.

Now, don't eat it!

This is the result this morning. (I did the mask yesterday evening):

I'm glad with the results! Of course the lighting is not the same, one being evening and the other one in the morning.

What is your favourite DYI beauty recipe? Or maybe have you tried this one yet?

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  1. I'll have to remember this! I've made a pinapple honey mask before and it really did make a difference in my skin.
    Honey can do amazing things.

    I just picked p the Antipiodes Manuka Honey mask, but I won't let myself open it until I finish a few other products first.

    1. Yes, pineapple is good as well! Let me know about the Antipodes mask!


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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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