
Mango and Stylist Work It! Shopping Event


Yesterday I went to the Mango and Stylist Shopping Event on Oxford Circus. The doors were supposed to open at 7pm for a private evening of shopping. There were some delay and then I was let in around 7:40. Upon arrival, we were greated with champagne, which helped forgetting about the wait!

The store was full of Stylsit readers and on displays were the new Spring/Summer collection. I really like Mango clothes and I think they are perfect for work, either your office is smart looking or more casual. Mine falls in the latter category.

Here is what I came back home with (and less money!)

T-Shirt RCD Astoria in Pepper Green (£22.90)

T-Shirt (£16.90)

Waistcoat (£ 24,90)

Turquoise Belt (£29.90)

Scarf Navy (£16,90)

I also bought my man a shirt, but the picture I took was awful!

And here was what was in the goodie bag:

Cute canvas bag!

Silk scarf, mango catalogue, Lipton Ginger & Lemon Tea, Dove Intense Repair conditionner.

I like the silk scarf, it doesn't scream Mango, even though you can see the Ms. Mango usually sells its silk scarf £14,90!

Oh I forgot a Kit Kat bar!

Overall I am glad I went a the event. It was a little long to get there, but the discount and atmosphere was worth it. I always sign up for those event, even though I am not always sure I will be able to attend.

Do you like going at shopping event like this?

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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