Goodbye 2016


Happy New Year!

Once again, I am glad a new year begins, as it promises me all kind of good stuff. Well, I say this because I am still waiting for my big break!

Since I came back from the UK in 2012, I am looking for a lifestyle that will suit me. I lived at my parent's ever since and struggle to make my own lifestyle work with them and the environnement here.

But then in the last months of 2016 I met a guy and all is well. :) It has been a few years since I loved someone, and I'm glad it happens to me again!

In the last days of December, we visited an apartment and we decided to take it! We are supposed to sign the lease this week, so I'm not sure yet when the big move is, I'll probably move my stuff a little at a time, since it is in the same village as my parents. 

I'm really excited for this, hopefully moving in with the boyfriend will go well. It is always a little scary to move in with someone new, be it a roommate or a significant other. Anyway I'm really excited to make this new place my own and my home! I'll be able to decorate it the way I want and cook things I like and that are healthy, without my mum making snide comments.

In this year of 2017, I am hoping to finally grab a real job, as I couldn't find anything since I'm back from Europe :( I am also wanting to get back to blogging, as I liked this little place of mine on the Internet, but didn't have the time nor the inspiration to blog in the last year. 

So here's to 2017 and let's hope it's a good one for all of us!!!!

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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