My nighttime routine


I don't know about you but I like to know what others are doing for their night routines. It kind of relaxes me!

I work at a hotel/bar where I mainly work in the evenings. This means 2-3 shifts per weeks, depending. So for those nights, I don't really have a routine, as I never know at what time I'm going to finish work. 

But for the other nights, it basically goes as follows:

After dinner, my mum and I will usually have a tea. She has green tea, but as I'm more into variety, I will choose a different one, depending on my mood. I made a video last year about the teas that I liked, check this out! But I like the Pukkas, Yogi and Traditional Medicinals ones. These days I like Hibiscus. Tea is like one of the healthiest habits my mum and I have, and it's like a little thing we have in common. I'll usually ask her: Would you like a tea? She'll rarely say no, so it spurs me to make some for myself as well. I usually do that at work in the evening too, but sometimes if I drink with the clients (yep, I'm a barmaid!) then I think it defeats the purpose. I'll usually have it when it's quiet.

I'll sit in the living room with my parents during most of the evening, either reading or watching YouTube videos. I say reading, but really I cannot properly concentrate because my mum always talks or argue with the TV! Anyway, I try to be there with my parents, as we usually don't see each other during the day. Most of the times I end up showing them cute dogs or cats pictures or videos, as I miss having a pet. We have cats, but they live in the stables with the horse, so I can't cuddle them come nighttime :(

I usually go upstairs to my room at around 10-10:30. I then either light up a candle, but these days I'm feeling esoteric and burn incense with/instead. My favourite incense is Magnolia. I bought it at an Indian store in Camden in London, but those are sold to most place where you can buy esoteric stuff. 

During that time I'm mainly reading, and these days I read self-help book. Well, I usually have a novel and a self-help book on the run at the same time. If I'm at work, I can read if it's quiet, and I will bring the less "laughable" one. It's not that I mind but working with guys you have to be careful, I try to not bring my dating advice books at the bar. I'll never see the end of it if I do! So that's why I have two books running at the same time.

When I'm ready to sleep, I'll usually pop a podcast on or a sleep hypnosis video. The monotone voice help me fall asleep. I have to say I've been doing that for a few years now but yesterday I was hearing the crickets and I thought that now that Spring is here I should just try to fall asleep with nature's sounds. This fits more into my spiritual quest that I'm in.

Do you have nighttime rituals? Do you like routines in the morning and the evening?

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  1. I also got behind on all the blogging world! I'm well and you? I'm still doing great with my reading resolution, half of the year is over, and I'll soon have 15 read books.


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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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