Manicure Tuesday: Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Birthday Suit and Topcoat


I've been looking for this particular colour from the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel line since I am back in Canada at Christmas. It is a favourite of Alexfashionbeauty (yes I know, I admire her so much it makes me look like a 5th grader).

I have finally found it in New-Brunswick. I guess her influence is not as big there as it is in Quebec, because this particular colour was sold out everywhere!

And I was so chuffed to have it just in time before my big interview last week! It is a perfect colour for a professional occasion. A nice nude that has a little pink, but not too much, and not on the yellow or brown shade that nudes gear sometimes.

The first coat apply well. And that's about it. Seriously, I think I just got a bottle from a bad batch because I have friends that like the Miracle Gel line. And I wanted to like it too. But I don't.

The second coat apply gloopy. And it chipped within 8 hours. I put it on during the evening, didn't do anything else but watch TV and when I woke up somes nails were chipped. And some sported bubbles. BUBBLES guys! I didn't have a polish bubbled on me since the 90's!

And because I was travelling a whole day to go to Montréal for the interview, I didn't have time to change it. I hope they didn't notice. But now I've learnt the lesson: put on a tried and tested polish for an  interview. Especially if you have to travel.

I tried it again yesterday so I could have a proper picture to show you. I didn't have time to trim the nails properly, and I'm kinda #sorrynotsorry about that. 

I think the root of the problem with this polish is that it takes forever to dry. And because it has its own topcoat, I couldn't use the Seche Vite on it. (Well technically I could, but the effect wouldn't be the same)

So yes, I took the pic without cleaning the whole thing. I was about to do it, but then my nails weren't dry. And that was after almost an hour. Then it started to get messy, with me knocking things around. So I took the bloody pic. 

That was yesterday. This time, there is no chipping or bubbles. I guess (hope?) third time's a charm.

Is there a product you'd love to llove but just can't?

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  1. Bailey_AlltheWords25 February 2015 at 04:14

    Ugh... You definitely didn't have the best luck with this. I'd been thinking of picking up this shade because I've really liked this range so far, but I might skip it now! Sugar Fix is a great shade though :D

  2. I know! My hopes were so high for this! I also like Smart Tease, if I see them on sale I might try again!

  3. Lisa-Jane Andrews25 February 2015 at 16:42

    I love that shade it looks so clean and natural. x

  4. Yes, the colour is great but the formula is bad! :(


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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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