Saturday's Stuff I Like


Snow Winter Trees

It has been a crazy cold week here in Eastern Québec! I haven't done a lot of exciting things, but here are the highlights of the past few days!

I'm back home and the Sunday brunch habit at Tim Hortons is back as well! I usually go there with my parents every week and it's a nice time spent in family.

Being stuck inside I watched TV a lot during the evenings and I'm almost done catching up on Unité 9. It starting again next Tuesday, so I'll be up to date!

On Thursday I received a great call for a job I've been dying to have since a few years! Following that call, I did a language test, and then yesterday I had confirmation that I'll be interviewed next month! I really think this year is starting better than the last few ones! Fingers crossed!

Today I was in a cleaning mood! I don't know if this happens to other people but sometimes I feel like cleaning. So better take advantage of it befor it's gone!

Being back also means I get to cuddle my big man Félix! His fur is so soft, when I start to pet him it's hard to stop!

What's good for you in 2015?

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  1. Lisa-Jane Andrews12 January 2015 at 17:50

    I tried to leave a comment on your nail polish but the comments button is missing from the post. I love snow but its such a hassle in the Uk as when we get even a tiny bit of snow everything grinds to a halt! x

  2. ooo mon dieu Stephanie, je te le souhaite pour la job. Tu vas l'avoir, on le lance dans l'univers :) xx

  3. Merci bcp Julie! De mon coté ca fait longtemps que c'est lancé! ;)


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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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