Baby It's Cold Outside
I'm not sure how it is in your part of the world, but here in Québec we had a week of iced cold weather. We're talking about -35 or so!
While it's somewhat usual that we have cold weather in January and February, this cold wave is particularly brutal. Here are a few things that get me through this!
When it's really cold and I have no plans of getting outside, I'm staying in! It's just the sensible thing to do. But it can get boring after a while. This week I've been catching up on TV shows, notably quebecer ones, that I couldn't watch while in France. I might be the only one, but I don't have Netflix, so I usually watch on Tou.tv or on YouTube.
I also like to read, and at the moment I'm reading Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy and Agatha Christie's Evil Under the Sun. I usually like to get in bed with a Hercule Poirot book or Tintin album during winter time. To me, this is cosyness!
If I'm not going out, I'm usually staying in PJs. My favourite one these days is the Deer one I showed you in my Collective Haul post. I like the fact that only the pants are in flannel, and the top is in cotton. I tend to sweat a lot, so I like a lighter top.
What would be a cosy evening without a candle? Of course we need candles! I've been rotating a Wal-Mart Maple Cookies one, BBW Watermelon Lemonade and Yankee Candles Strawberry Buttercream.
The best way I find to get warm is to take a shower. Some people prefer baths, but I'm not a fan of being in a humid place for too long. I did a What's in my Shower post last year. Let me know if you want an updated one!
Do you have any tips to keep you warm during those dreadfully cold days? Share below!