Saturday's Stuff I Like
How are you lovelies?
I hope you are having a great 2015 so far! I'm still trying to get back to normal after that big cold I caught when I came back home
It's weird to say, but I'm glad I'm sick here, at home without having anything to do. It would suck to be sick like that in Paris, or on the journey home with all my luggage! Now at least I can just rest and hoping it will go away soon.
My intuition is back! It has been off for the last month and half, but I'm starting to have feelings that materialize again. I've been wanting to develop it for a few months, but I don't know why it was just not working lately.
On Sunday, my dad asked me to check the DVD's in the stores to look for a specific one, Young Triffie. To be honest, I never thought I would find it, but on Monday I got it! So we're going to watch that tonight. I also got the first Sex and the City movie.
I got a few dinners this week, at my friend Jo and my aunt and uncle. It was nice to go outside a little bit, as I spent 3 whole days inside last week.y
2015 is here and I can finally use my Dieux du Stade and Firefighters Calendars! Yay for hotties!
Let me know if you have any plans/resolutions for the New Year!