Sunday's Stuff I Like
13:57:00Yummy Italian chocolates! |
This week has been a crazy one! Hope you had a great Halloween!
Related to my job, I've been invited to a breakfast with a Minister, but I wasn't aware it was a really small group of people. So I hadn't planned on wearing anything fancy, but when they told me it would just be about 12 of us, I started to freak out! By chance, I had spotted a ice dress at H&M, so I could go and grab that.
The breakfast went really well, I was sat just next to the Minister! He was really nice, really casual and I've heard him say bad words hahaha! Of course at the Office later on I was complimented on my dress. I think I should wear dress more often, I liked the look it gave me.
The other day I went shopping for Halloween with my friend Nissa and we also had dinnner together. I never thought I would have paid that much for a hamburger, it was just so expensive! It was a good one though, and great times with friends don't have price. That's how I justify it haha!
But, on the other side, I realised this week that the office is giving me more that what I thought for my internship, so I will not be complaining! Yay for extra money!
Today my flatmate Laura and I wanted to do the newly re-opned Picasso Museum. But we arrived too late, so we strolled around the Marais and Saint-Germain-des-Prés. I think Saint-Germain-des-Prés is my favourite neighbourhood, I always tedn to gravitate there!
And now here's to another good week! ;)