
Best Places to Shop in London: My Top 10!


By now you probably know that I am obsessed with London! If you didn't know, I live in this marvelous city for 2 years a little while ago. I always say that London is a shopping paradise and here are my favourite spots to shop!

TK Maxx
This is the british equivalent to our Winners or US' TJ Maxx. There are an array of clothes, shoes, homeware and beauty. My favourite one is the one in Soho, but I also go in the Kensington High Street and Wood Green one.

Primark is really the British shopping mecca. It is also dubbed Primarni by locals. There is everything for everyone there: clothes (men, women, children), homeware, accessories, etc. Prices are dirt cheap and quality can be so-so, even though I find that they have upped their game in the past years. I wouldn't advise going to the Oxford Circus one, as it is too busy with tourists. The one in Soho is pretty good. If you have overshopped, you can even buy a new cuitcase there!

Wilko, as the British call it, is a store that is mainly homeware, but they also have beauty bits. Even though I like beauty, I don't really go there for that, as there is another place I prefer (more on that later)! They usually have cheap and cheerful mugs and cushions. There are not that many Wilkos around, the only one I know (but there ae other ones) is at Wood Green.

ASDA is similar to Wal-Mart, and I think it is partly owned or associated with the American giant. I used to go there for food when I lived there, but they also have G21 clothes (different than the ones we have in Wal-Mart) and a big aisle of magazines.

Boots is the girly girl's paradise. It is really similar to our Shoppers Drug Mart, as they stock beauty brands from drugstore to high end. Almost all the main brands can be found here. They also have a points program that is similar to SDM. The ones on Oxford Street and Picadilly Circus are two big ones in the centre, and I always take my time there!

I'm not a huge Superdrug fan, as I prefer Boots, but they sell Sleek makeup, and Boots doesn't. They also stocks GOSH.

Charity Shops on Camden High Street and Holloway Road
I could say other charity shops, as those are not necessary the best priced one, as they are located in an area busy with tourists (Camden High Street one). But, there are a lot of them on the same block, so you can kill many birds with one stone. I like to browse for books and their funky greeting cards. Hollloway Road is a lesser known to tourist area and there are also a few shops on the same block. That's where I will usually find nice clothes. The main charity shops you can find are: Oxfam, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, TrAID and Scope.

PAK's is like a global Sally BeautySupplies. They have so many products for all ethnicities! Just browsing there is an experience, as they stock things specific to african, asian hair and skin. If you are looking for something exotic in terms of beauty, they probably have it! That's where I get my Chines Miracle Cream, and you can buy real argan oil, rose water, etc.

Holland & Barrett
This is a vitamins and supplement chain and its stores are scattered all around the country. They also have beauty products and a food section. I go there mainly for Dr Organic toothpastes and Dr Stuart's teas (skin purify).

Whole Foods
Granted this one is not British, but the only Whole Foods I saw in Canada were in BC, so that's way too far for me! I like to go there again for teas and beauty products. They stock all the main "green" brands such as Antipodes, Zoya, PAI, Dr Hauschka,etc. The one on Kensington High Street has three storeys and a food court with different cuisines.

Do you have any favourite shopping spots in London? Or in your own city?

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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