
Best of the Web #6


Afternoon Tipple
I'm not particularly talking about the above picture, as I only wanted to take my drink but I really liked Aimee Song's tips on How to Take Good Instagram Pictures. I'm now able to take pics from chest to toes when we actually see my legs and shoes!

I was shocked to read Jessica Roses' Recruitement Day with Benefit Cosmetics. I'm not sure if the process is only in the UK, only for that particular department store but anyway I'm always appalled at seeing how companies failed with their sales tactics. Reminds me of one manager I used to work with  in a lingerie store who would crank up the volume saying explicitely that it would make clients buy more. If I were a client I would've just left the store, meaning you lost a sale. Losers!
You probably heard about Julep Maven before as it was around the blogosphere a few years ago but they are back with their first box free when you subscribe. You just have to  use the code FREEBOX to get your first monthly box of beauty FREE!

If you love animals then this video of Frostie the Snow Goat will melt your heart. Frostie suffers a debilitating conditon and needs to use a wheelchair to move around.You should see his little tail wagging! Cuteness overload!

If you're looking to Get More Out of Your Beauty Products, then you should read Carly's post. Those are five tips from an experienced es-beautican to help you stretch the longevity/usage of your products.

If you have any links worht sharing please do so below! :)

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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