Saturday's Stuff I Like
20:25:00Squeaky Clean Choupette! |
How has your week been? My has been pretty crazy and tiresome, I'm now looking forward to a few days off!
Finally we had a few days of sunshine this week and on Sunday, I was able to start a few paiting projects. I told you a few weeks ago that I collected a few curbside treasures that I wanted to revamp. I started them and even though I wasn't able to finish one yet, they are going pretty well. Can't wait to show you!
Today's sunshine enable me to clean and vaccum the car properly for the first time this year. Yay for a clean Choupette!
On Monday I was called by the placement agency I applied to to let me know they would be giving my resume forward for a position I'm really interrested in. Unfortunately, the other ones didn't work out, but it was probably because this one is more interresting and made for me! ;)
Also on Monday, I received a package containing my Pacifica goodies that I won from Julie from Makeup Passion Beauté! It's always nice to win something, and even better when it's makeup! Merci Julie!
Today I bought a bright colorful dress! Even though I'm girly I'm not really into dresses, for the good reason that I never think of wearing them and also because where I work at the moment I cannot wear dresses.
What have been the highlights of your week?