
Saturday's Stuff I Like


Félix leading the jog
We still have crappy weather  here in so-called Baie des Chaleurs (which means Bay of Warmth)! They forecast sun tomorrow and I can't wait because now it just feels like Fall.

As I told you last week, yesterday was the rubbish collection for large items. Which means I did a few car rides and got a few scores! All will be repainted (if we can have permitting weather). In the lot, I have a bistro set, which is amazing considering it costs around 200$. I just can't wait to DYI them and show them to you!

Two days ago was the day I said to myself: "Enough is enough, I'm starting jogging". You see, I'm not a fan of running, even though I'd like to. I prefer going on long walks but again, with the horrible weather I don't want to go far. So I decided to jog in our field in the backyard. Which is good because Félix can jog with me. I though it would be cool to run alongside our horse, Nicole B but she was nowhere to be seen, she was probably inside the stables.

On Tuesday I went shopping in New-Brunswick with my mum and good bargains were to be had at the Superstore, where almost all makeup was 50% off! I even got a free Essie nail polish thanks to the scanning code of practice! Yay for free Essie! I also got a few more Essie at Dollarama! ;)

Today was the first time in a few weeks that I was able to do the charity shops run. I did bought a few tops; camis, shirts and light cardis. The cardis are from Forever 21 and Tristan!

To be honest the week was not extraordinary, as I worked a lot. So I struggle to find the fifth point. I guess there are weeks like that. It was not a bad week just not a lot of great things.

And now how was your week?

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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