
Best of the Web #4


That rascal ate all of the birds' seed!
By the time you read this I'm going to be driving to Quebec City!

If you like British bloggers, you might already know Rebecca from Autumn Leaves. She wrote an awesome post earlier this week about How to email a PR company! Great tips!

I'm one of those people who need about 10 hours sleep every day. I used to be an early riser, as I had to commute 1hour+  to go school during my teens, so about 7 years of my life. It seems to have taken its toll on me now. You can see how lack of sleep impacts you on MindBodyGreen.

If, like me, you are struggling with acne (yet again), you might want to check out Sigma's Spot-On Concealer kit. It contains 6 brushes to conceal your imperfections. While I haven't tried any of these yet, I  have owned a few Sigma brushes for years and I like them.

For those of you who like to travel and great landscapes, 33 Unbelievable Places to Visit Before You Die is a must. Check ou the Sea of Stars! Wonderful!

Oh, The Beauty Department! I love their graphic, easy-to-follow tutorials. This week they publish a simple yet edgy eye look, that reminds me of Ancient Egyptians. I might give this a try soon!

As I'll be in Quebec City all week, my post schedule will probably off, as I don't know what kind of free time and internet connectoins I'll have. Please bare with me. I'll try to update mid-week!

Have a good week and leave your intersting links in the comments below!

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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