Saturday's Stuff I Like
I am now sitting in my bed and relaxing. I'm working a little bit later this afternoon but it seems like a day off for now!
After a few years of internet searching, I have finally found a way to watch the original Danish The Killing (Forbrydelsen). All this time it was simply on YouTube! I love crime drama and especially Scandinavian ones. They have a black atmosphere and it keeps you on your toes! I'm on the 5th episode of season 1 and I try to watch one episode per night but sometimes it just fly by and I watch another.
On Thursday, we had a little gathering with friends as it was the first anniversary of Cesare, a family friends passing. I had a dream about him last week and also I'm remembering the last times I saw him. Dear Cesare, he wanted to teach me how to drive a sulky last year, but he was just so sore.
I've got a job interview next week for a newspaper! I'm excited but also nervous as the last jobs I had I didn't really had interviews per se, and the director told me it would be a one-hour interview!
I bought a green clay mask at the local organic grocery store and I'm in love with it already! I like clay masks but I usually don't buy them because my dad can source it for free here (white clay). But since I'm out of it and there is just so much snow still, I decided to go for it! It also helps that I've read reviews about it and since it's a French pharmacy brand I wouldn't expect to find it here! Expect a review soon!
The blog I have discovered this week is Eirin Kristiansen's. She's Norwegian (ok you can probably spot a Scandinavian theme here) and she motivates me to go back to the gym. I don't know what this is with Scandinavian bloggers, they all seem so pretty and into fitness! I understand why guys like them! I wouldn't mind a northern boyfriend either hahaha!
What about your week?!