Liebster Award


I'm excited as I just discovered that Lisa-Jane from The Brunette Diary gave me a Liebster Award! I think it's the first or second time I receive one, so it feels different! Thanks Lisa-Jane!

The Rules:
Share 11 things about yourself.
Answer the 11 questions that your tagger gave you.
Choose 11 other blogs to nominate.
Think of 11 questions to ask the bloggers that were nominated.
Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog

My questions:
1) Have you already broken a new years resolution?
Yes, of course! 

2) Did you celebrate on new years eve?
 This year was the first year I did nothing, not even watch the Bye Bye show. 2013 was pretty crappy and I didn't want to give it anymore attention.

3) Do you worry about what the New Year will bring?
 Yes, I do, I don't want to live another year like 2013. 

4) Are you booking a holiday sometime soon and where too?
My friend Mel and I are planning to go to Grece in the Fall.
5) Was 2013 a good/bad year for you?
A bad year, lots of illnesses and loss of dear ones.
6) If you could buy one thing now with £20.00 what would it be?
Makeup is always a good idea!
7) If you could buy one thing now for £500.00 what would it be?
 I would put it towards a Mulberry bag.

8) What month is your birthday?
9) Have you ever been to Devon/Cornwall?
No, but I should because  I love Agatha Christie.

10) Have you got a best friend and why are they your best friend?
 My friend Mel because we are very similar, we can be pretty serious but totally goofy!
11) Do you like your job?
Nah, I'd like a job where I can do office work and go to events at the same time, a little like the job I had in the UK.
Now for the 11 question for the bloggers I tag:
  1. Are you happy right now?
  2. What is something you would like to do in 2014?
  3. What is the biggest achievement you have made in your life?
  4. What is your ideal travel destination?
  5. What is your dream job?
  6. Have you ever been arrested? 
  7. If yes, what for?
  8. What is the single thing or person that brings you the most joy?
  9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?
  10. Are you keeping your 2014 resolutions to now?
  11. Have you ever been to London?
And for this I'm tagging:

I can't wait to read back the answers!

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  1. Loved your answers I hated 2013 too x

  2. Merci de me taguer ♥ En tout cas, je te souhaite une belle année 2014, j'espère qu'il n'y aura que du positif! Es-tu déjà allée en Grèce? Un jour, j'aimerais bien y aller aussi.....

    Je vais te répondre ici:

    Are you happy right now? Oui, mais je pourrais l'être encore plus si j'arrêtais de toujours tout remettre à plus tard et si je disais à certaines personnes combien je les aime et qu'ils sont importants dans ma vie.
    What is something you would like to do in 2014? J'aimerais enfin avoir un travail stable (je travaille à contrat depuis trop longtemps...) et si ça n'arrive pas cette année, j'aimerais retourner à l'école à distance. Apprendre le japonais par plaisir aussi.... faire un voyage...
    What is the biggest achievement you have made in your life? Je ne sais pas, je trouve que j'en ai fait plusieurs, mais des petits accomplissements. Je suis fière de tout ce que j'ai fait, même si c'est pas très gros.
    What is your ideal travel destination? France, Japon, Suède, Angleterre
    What is your dream job? Ça a toujours changé. Jusqu'à récemment, mon travail de rêve était d'être graphiste, ce que j'ai un peu fait, mais ce n'est pas aussi beau que je croyais. Mon travail actuel me convient, j'ai des collègues en or et j'ai hâte de partir travailler chaque jour.
    Have you ever been arrested? Pas officiellement, mais on m'a déjà prise pour quelqu'un d'autre une fois, la situation s'est clarifiée rapidement! lol
    If yes, what for? Voir plus haut
    What is the single thing or person that brings you the most joy? Être dans le lit avec mon chum et mon chat, c'est comme un trop plein d'amour, c'est réconfortant!
    If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be? Chez moi (au Québec). Je me sens si bien à la maison!
    Are you keeping your 2014 resolutions to now? Je n'ai pas pris de résolution!
    Have you ever been to London? Non, mais j'aimerais bien si l'occasion se présente!

    1. Merci d'avoir répondu Véronique!

      J'avoue que travailler à contrat doit être stressant! Une chance que tu as pu clarifier la situation d'avec ton lookalike!


I always like to get your comments and start a conversation :)

About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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