Petit déjeuner parisien
We're having really nice weather these days in Eastern Quebec and I take advantage of it by having breakfast outside everyday. Reminds me of holidays (which are in a month for me yay)!
A few weeks ago I bought this plate and mug set in a garage sale and I thought it would be perfect for a parisian breakfast! Of course, when I think of parisian breakfast, chocolate bread and lattes come to mind. I also added blueberries, which are not French, but are a nice touch anyway ;)
At the moment I'm reading J'adore Paris, by Isabelle Laflèche. Since the author is French Canadian, I thought I bought the original version, but no, the original one is written in English. Oh well! I have been reading a lot of non-fiction lately and I needed a break with a girly novel. Paris, Dior, love; can you get girlier than this? I don't think so!
Now tell me which book are your reading at the moment?