Luxe Box Spring 2013 Steven and Chris


First, I'd like to say that I didn't know Steven and Chris, so this didn't get me excited about the box. That's what happens when you live in a dual culture country; sometimes, you just don't know what's going on on the other side. Two solitudes and all that.

I was still excited about the box, because it's the only one I receive at the moment. I knew some girls received it before the Easter break, but I didn't. SO I didn't check their reviews before I knew what mine had in store for me!

Marc Anthony Strictly Cursl Curl Defining Lotion: This smells good, a little like lemon cake. I'm sad it's a drugstore brand though. But it's a good size sample!

Coach Coach Love Eau de Parfum: Unlike other beauty bloggers, I do like receiving perfumes in my boxes, when it is a mini bottle! I have to say though this one doesn't smell a lot, is it really an eau de parfum? I will try this, but on first impression I would not be willing to pay full price for this.

Blue Lagoon Iceland Silica Mud Mask: It seems they always include this brand. But I love mud masks, so I'm sure I'm gonna love it!

Lancôme Génifique Youth Activating Concentrate: I like putting a serum on my skin at night time. But it's something I don't like to buy, as I find it boring!

Beauty Sponge: Similar to the Beauty Blender, I have been wanting one for a while, but prefer to spend my money on makeup. Yay!

L'Occitane en Provence 20% Shea Dry Skin Hand Cream: I love L'Occitane's hand creams! Would have been nicer to have it full size though. It's going to be perfect for work.

Blue Lagoon Iceland Rich Nourishing Cream: The word rich makes me think this would not suite my skin. I will keep it for night time.

Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation: I have tried the original Healthy Mix and liked it. Apparently the Healthy Mix Serum is even better so I'm glad I will get to try this. Having lived in the UK for 2 years, Bourjois is a drugstrore brand for me, even though in Canada it is sold at Sephora.

I'm not as thrilled about this box as I was about the Winter 2012 one. I'm kinda disapointed to received drugstore products, let alon sachets of them!

Have you order the Spring 2013 Luxe Box? What do you think?

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  1. Super cute la mini bouteille de parfum! Je suis d'accord que c'est toujours moins le fun recevoir des marques de pharmacie mais moi j'adore vraiment Marc Anthony - je n'ai pas souvent été déçue! Je déteste ça les maudits sachets qu'on retrouve dans les magazines, je trouve ça tellement cheap!

    1. Oui jme rappelle que jtavais demande pour in produit marc anthony le printemps passe! Cest vrai que cest plate les sachets mais jaime le fond de teint! Dommage de pas avoir eu une bouteille full size :p

  2. On a tellement pas eu la meme boite! J'ai recu un mascara full size Pandora, le kabuki de la marque Loose Button, une creme pour le corps de la marque Cake, un echantillon de parfum (me souviens pu lequel mais c'est pas le meme que toi) un vernis a ongle Essie, un echantillon du fond de teint Bourjois puis le meme serum Lancome.

    Dans le fond on a 2 produits en communs. Je suis a moitier satisfaite :P J'aurais préféré un autre produit plutot que le kabuki. Puis le vernis a ongles est magnifique mais je n'en porte pas beaucoup alors...

    1. Ca ressemble a la boite que jai recu pour noel! Cest ben plate du recyclage de meme!

  3. My box was an horror check it to compare:

  4. mh, i don't know all these things, but i haven't such a box in germany.
    lovely greets to you.
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

    1. Thanks and you too! Dont you like glossybox? Its german ;)


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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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