Hair Bean Review


I have been wanting a Tangle Teezer for a while now, but somehow I couldn't forke the $20 to purchase it whan I knew that girls like Sineady Cady got a similar brush at Primark for around 2. Yes, my hair can be an investment, but still 10 times the price is not on.

Well, I was browsing the beauty aisle at Dollarama (as you do) and I came across the Hair Bean. Right away I grabbed mine, as for $2, I would be sick not to after all this time waiting!

Two different size of dents
Hair Bean is a detangling brush, it's made of plastic. It has two layers of dents, which makes it easier to detangle all layers of hair at the same time. Which is perfect for me, as I have thick and long hair. Not only that, but each hair is fine, and I have a lot of them, so they are always tangled and a nightmare to brush.

Travelling case
Handy miror
It also comes with a travelling case (well, personally I don't really see the point) that has a miror (which can be handy while out and about).

I got mine while I was in Quebec City last week and I didn't bring all my hair products with me so with that and the hotel water, it was a great time to put Hair Bean to the test!

I have to say that it works wonders, especially on wet hair. They say it's good for wet and dry hair, which is true, but you can see it perform better on wet hair. A few strokes and the hair is brushed, you don't have to wrestle like crazy on a knot that's at the nape of your neck!

I would say the only negative thing is that is has that weird shcrou schrou sound, but from videos I have seen, the Tangle Teezer does that too. It might be just a question of the plastic used for the brush.

Hair Bean is $2 at Dollarama (various locations, got mine at Laurier Québec), or Bed Bath and Beyond for $10.

How do you detangle your hair? What's your favourite hair product?

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  1. Ce produit me tente beaucoup! Ces temps-ci je perds mes cheveux comme pas possible à cause de la cortisone que je prends. J'ai tellement pu de cheveux, qu'ils se demelent presque tout seul sans peigne (j'exagere a peine). Ca va peut-etre aider a les demeler sans les casser.

    1. Ca vaut la peine d'essayer! Ouin cest plate ca, jme rappelle au secondaire tavais bcp de cheveux!

  2. I have similar hair texture and it can be a total pain to get brushed out. I picked up the Goody version last week and it works really well too (it was only about $5!) I don't think I ever could have spent the money on the brand name one, but I love the one I've got!

    1. I hear you Bailey! I didn't know Goody had one, they do have nice brushes! This one should be great too!

  3. This sounds great. I have very thick hair so its hard to comb it x

  4. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH J'aimerais bien entendre ce drôle de bruit! Très drôle en effet! 2$, wow, belle trouvaille!

  5. Sherylou Rancourt Amyot3 August 2014 at 14:43

    J'ai les cheveux long jusqu'au bas des seins, en bonne état et ma pointe est sèche et cassante par temps, il sont fain et epais.. depuis cette achats, après la piscine, je me démêle les cheveux rapidement sens problème ou presque, beaucoup plus facile qu'avec une brosse normal! Sec ou mouiller, en me levant ou en me couchant, le cas n'est plus désespérant. Je ne perd pas de cheveux non plus GRÂCE à la brosse magique. Je vous recommande d'etulliser les produits Dove avec se produit. :)

  6. Merci pour tes conseils Sherylou! J'aime aussi les produits Dove!


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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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