Get the Guy! Now!
11:36:00About a year ago I became single, after 9 years in a relationship. Well, 9 years at my age is basically my whole adult life! So, even though I really knew that specific guy, I was not used to dating anymore.
That's when I stumble upon Matthew Hussey on YouTube. Instantly I liked his videos. (Ok, it helps that he is cute. And I melt when I hear a British accent!) His are no-nonsense tips (not unlike some other things you hear sometimes).My friends and I have tried his "look" tip a few times, with success!
This year is a big year for Matthew. Alongside working with Eva Longoria on the new show Ready for Love, Matthew has launched his book, Get the Guy, in North America this week!
I can't wait to read the book, as Matthew has been consistent with quality material ever since I stumble across his blog ans YouTube channel. I really like his "Wait or Create" philosophy, not just in relationships, but in all aspects in life. If you're not familiar with him, you can check an exerpt of his book on Amazon ;)
To get the word out there that his book was coming, he posted a video a few weeks ago and I thought it was so funny. Here is the link for you to enjoy!
Those girls have the same questions my friends and I do. Hehe! They're cute.
Matthew's team has provided me with a great offer for my American fans. The first 30 girls that buy a print copy of the book (either on Amazon or in a local library) gets one of his Get the Guy Tour ticket (US and Toronto venues). All you have to do is provide me a copy of your receit at msbububusiness (at) gmail(dot) com and I will forward it the Matthew's people.
Here's where you can find more of Matthew Hussey online:
Ready for Love
Did you already know Matthew Hussey? What's the best dating advice you have ever received?