Bizou Madness Sale!


I'm now blogging from my new computer! :) What a relief to have my own  and not sharing one with my mum! It seems now that a computer is now as personal as a toothbrush, you cannot really use someone else's!

I am also trying a new photo editing programme, Photoscape, upon recommendation of Fee from MakeupSavvy. I'm still struggling with all the editing to be honest, but I'm excited to up the ante picture wise! If you don't know Fee, I suggest to go and check her blog because her pictures are drool-worthy!

Now, on the subject of this blogpost, my Bizou haul! If you live in Canada, you probably know Bizou, an accessory store, the UK equivalent being Accessorize. I never really go there because their stock is overpiced but what with a good January clearance sale, I was enticed to walk into the store.

I first spotted the 2 for 5$ sign on the scarf table. And I'm a scarf junkie so this was just another reason for me to take a look at them. Both the pink and the floral one were in this promotion. The beige one wasn't, but someone has mistagged it to 1.99$, so I got it for less than the 2 for 5$!

Then the sales clerk informed me that she also had a 5 for 5$ sale. Even better! This was on jewellery. So I got one necklace, two pair of earrings, a ring and a keychain. I also spotted a nice charm necklace but wasn't  sure if it was in this promo. It wasn't but again, it was mistagged to 1.99$

In all, I got all those 9 items for around 17$, which is really good when you consider that one item is usually 15$. I wouldn't pay full price for that, but I'm stoked about my haulage ;)

What kind of accessories do you like? Where do you usually get yours?

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  1. Yay for a new computer, exciting!!!
    Great haul too, I love the bow studs :D

    1. Yes but it's not working so great, I'll have to go back!

  2. Hello dear!
    Nice jewellery
    Nice blog you have!
    I think we should follow each other!
    What do you say ? Kisses . Muuuuah

  3. Pas mal cute les bijoux, je connaissais pas l'endroit mais j'achète mes bijoux à la frip
    Ah et désolé pour ton visa de travail et bonne chance pour la recherche d'emploi!

    1. Ah non, tu connais pas Bizou? J'ai aussi trouvé des beaux colliers au marché au puces ce weekend! ;) Merci pour ton encouragement, à toi aussi bon succès! :)


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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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