
Guys, guys, guys...



I have now been single for almost a year now, and I'm kinda learning to date again. Fun fun fun! But I have to say I cannot believe how clueless some guys are when it is to women! (Ok, we don't totally understand them either, but some common sense is required)...

So I was thinking of putting a funny Facebook status, but since most of them are facebook friending me and it will be too long anyway, I decided to share it with you girlsAnd if you want to share it with the guys in your life, go ahead!

Well, let's start!

If you offer a drink to a girl and she says "Thanks!" don't run way! What kind of guy is buying a drink and then disapear?

You also have the guy who is divorcing and trying to hit on me. Quite frankly, out of the blue, but your wife is on my Facebook, so don't even think about it!

One guy I was thinking of seeing this summer just decided to peep his head out of the hole and asked me to go for a drink. Just when he started seeing someone. Gee, why didn't you do something while you were single?

Then you have the guy I was actually dating this fall. I went to spend the weekend at his place (Quebec is so big, I live far away from everyone) to then spend the weekend at his parents playing Kinnect. I'm not 12 anymore!!!

Finally, you have the guys (yes, two of them) who decided it was a good idea to two-time 2 best friends.... I think this one is the most stupid of the lot... Anyway, I'm still talking to one of them, but the dammage it has done to my friendship is kinda hard to swallow. If a girl tells you "Oh you just added my best friend on FB" run! And if you are just trying to hit on one of your interest's best friend, this is just plain mean.

Fortunately, I'm not one to think that all guys are jerks! I know some good guys are out there, and I can't wait to meet them!

Any single ladies here with some interresting dating stories to share, or am I the only one stumbling on the daft ones?

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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