World Book Night Launch
Today is World Book Night!
They launch the event yesterday, in a big celbration on Trafalgar Square in London. And I was there! Sorry I don't have pictures, I forgot my camera home as I was running late!
Some authors were there, such as Margaret Atwood, John Le Carre and Mark Haddon, to read excerpt of their books, or classics. Even though it was cold, lots of people gathered to express their love of reading.
At the end of the launch, we givers were aloud to give our books! I received two of them, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (they made a movie out of it, starring Javier Bardem!) and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by aforementioned Mark Haddon. The last one was coming from a Squadron Leader in the RAF. It is one of three books that wasn't send overseas to troops! How cool is that to receive a book, and be part of a chain? When you receive one of these, you can log on the details of how you received it, so you can see the journey of the book you either received/gived!
If you are interrested by one of these, please let me know, as I still have copies! The one I am giving away is Rachel's Holiday, by Marian Keyes.