Portobello Market finds!
10:10:00On Saturday, I was supposed to go see my boyfriend and his friends playing football, but since it was raining, the match was cancelled. We decided to go to the Portobello Market, because I remembered Click and makeup's post about her Portobello haul and wanted to check the stalls.
I didn't find that stall, but I did find some things...
I usually buy my thing either on a love at first sight basis, or after thinking about it for days, even weeks. These were all love at first sight ones, as well, second-hand stuff don't tend to be there next time you go! But I really like those taupe boots! They look normal on the picture, but on, they're really nice!
I also picked up this scarf. I wanted a scarf like that for a while, but as I was browsing, nothing really excited me. Until I got to this stall on Saturday and i saw this one, I was asking my boyfirned if he liked it and he said: "How are you going to wear that?" And then I replied: "I don't know how to tie it properly, but I saw this nice website the other day". I will have to do some research on how to wear it on the head, that is what I want to do, but as I said, I am kind of a silk scarf virgin. Since my boyfriend was buying a messenger bag, the guy sold me the scarf for £2 instead of £4. I think £4 was borderline of the price I would`ve paid for a scarf, but I really liked this one. But i was happy to have it 50% of the price!
I am a vintage junkie girl! I like to find unique pair of shoes or a nice purse. I hadn't had any luck lately until Saturday at Portobello. Bruxelles and Quebec City was good for that. London too!
Had any luck lately in the vintage corner?