ELF Haul
13:17:00ELF is a company that has a lot of coverage on the blogosphere already, but I want to share my haul with you anyway! Following the heads up of Bailey from I know all the words, I decided that with their Cyber Monday sale, where everything was 55% off, now was the time to try them! I also took advantage of the fact that I was going back to Canada for a while, so ordered from their Amarican site instead of the UK one. That way it was even cheaper (face value AND exchange rate)!
I have heard and read that their products are really hit or miss (they are so cheap!), but I still read and watch reviews and swatches to help me choose wisely, as even though they are dirt cheap, I don't like to waste my money :)
Here is what I got for under CAD20:
And here are some individual pictures with the names of the products:
From the Essentials range:
From the Studio range:
Have you tried any ELF products? Which one is hit? Which one is miss?