
Saturday's Stuff I Like


Horse Dog

This week has also been a slow week. I think it's going to be like that until my interview in February. I can't wait!

This week I've noticed my intuition at work again. I dreamt of my ex-boss, and then the next day I saw her. So I decided to bring out my cards again and read them. I used to do this when I was begining university, but then school and new friends got the best of my time! Hopefully, they told me the truth as they told me I should receive money and news from an handsome dark haired man! ;)

I received some goodies to try out, the Aveeno #FreshEssentials products! So far, I like them. I will do a review once I've got to play with them a little more :)

This week I decided that I would enroll in Weight Watchers again. I've been struggling with my weight in the last year. I really liked WW and I wouldn't have stopped it, the only thing is there is no meetings nearby. So I'll do the online programm. I'm not sure it will be as efficient as the meetings, as they were best part of the programm! Anyway, until I move I think this will be better than nothing.

Following this late New Year's resolution, I started yoga again yesterday. I found Yoga With Adriene on YouTube and even though I did a few lessons back in the day, I'm still a begginer and her 30Days Challenge seems perfect!

I'm into Instagram again! I know lots of people are hooked, and I have  my times where I am too, and then I neglect it. But if you'd like to follow me there, I'm MsBubu :)

I hope your week has been less boring than mine!

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About Me

A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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