Sunday Stuff I Like
How is everyone doing? We are now in December and the Holidays are more and more present. Are you Holiday ready?
This week I went to a show, as I told last week. It is a Quebecer storyteller and it was really great! I like when people laugh at their jokes, and he was also talking to us like a friend.
I have started my Christmas shopping and I have found a few gifts for friends and my father. I always think it is harder to find something for my dad than my mum. Anyway, it always turns out something horse related and this year is no exception, as I bought him a horse calendar!
Speaking of calendars, I got the Les Dieux du Stade one! On of my friend gave it to me :) Oh now I want a man to cuddle!
Yesterday I went to the Champs Elysées Christmas Market. I love Christmas Markets, but the problem is that it was just too crowded. I managed to take great pics though, I'm not sure how as I had problems to move around!
Also yesterday I went to M&S and bought a set of undies, and to my great surprise, I was able to fit in a size smaller than usual. This feels good! Now I'm not tricking myself because I think they just run bigger, but anyway, size 8!!! :P
Was your week fun?