Saturday's Stuff I Like
16:25:00I'll miss this guy! |
Hi from YQB!
I hope you are all doing well. After a stresful week of doing my bags and make sure everything is ready, I am now waiting for my flight!
I have tried my new camera this week and even though it's a little harder to get around it, I think I'm doing not too bad. Of course. I'll have to adapt to all kinds of lighting and focus and whatnot, but that's the beauty of having a DSLR camera!
I had a hug session with my guy Felix hehe the night before leaving for Quebec City. It's a chance I did, because in the morning when I left, he was mad at me for going away and didn't want to come and see me. I'll miss him!
I slept at my friend Mel, as I usually do in Quebec City and we had so much fun yesterday watching funny videos! I haven't laugh that much in a loooooooooooooong time. Gee, Mel is the best for laughing with!
Speaking of Mel, she is now working for Quebec's Dance School and they had an event planned in front of a church today and they were giving a dance workshop. The weather was so nice, it's actually Indian Summer so it was the best day for them!
Tomorrow morning I'll be in Paris and getting used to my new environment. My futur boss is going to greet me at Gare du Nord and come to show me my new place. I'll also probably going to my friend Nissa'a boutique, Melrose Place, in the afternoon. My dayplanner is already full!
Hope you have a great time and I'll take to you later, in Paris! :)